Lacsap's Wager

Who amongst you has sufficient faith in Jesus to take Pascal's wager in reverse (Lacsap's Wager)?

Saved Christians, you're 100% certain that you've been saved, right? And you can't be unsaved, right? So why don't you use your finite life here on Earth trying to bring the good news about Jesus to as many children as possible in the most dangerous parts of the world? Children who are growing up under the control of the Islamic State, Boko Haram, Al Qaeda in the Maghreb, The Taliban, Al Shabaab... there are so many tragic places in which the children don't even have any chance at all to hear the truth about Jesus. Not only will their lives here on Earth be filled with pain & suffering but they will most certainly grow up without Jesus and thus be comdemned to burn in hell, screaming in agony for all eternity. Do you think God wants to condemn them to hell? Absolutely NOT! God NEEDS saved Christians, who have already secured their place in paradise, to do what's right! Where is your faith? Can't you put aside your Earthly comfort and safety to do God's bidding during the very very short time you'll be on this Earth? Who else can God turn to if not those with absolute faith? Isn't it selfish of you to live in comfort and safety now AND in the afterlife, while those innocents who would otherwise never hear the good word, live without in both? Can you really be sure you're saved if you can't muster a tiny amount of courage to serve your Lord? 

Why not me, you ask? Unlike you, I have EVERYTHING to lose! This is my one and only life. It is YOU who has literally NOTHING to lose!

Plus I'm more than happy to buy you all the Arabic language Bibles you can take with you, pack you a nice lunch and either arrange for your ride to the airport or give you one myself. How can you say no to that! Make your God proud of you! You might even turn a few cynical jaded atheist heads here at home... who knows, it might be just the thing to push an unbeliever into the "saved" category... two birds with one stone so to speak!

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